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Mo Meaning Military - Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selective information and indicators to auditors to influence their emotions, intentions and objective reasoning and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups and individuals.

The purpose of US psychological operations is to induce or reinforce behavior that is perceived as favorable to US goals. They are an important part of the range of diplomatic, informational, military, and economic activities available to the United States. They can be used in both peacetime and conflict. There are three main types: strategic, operational and tactical. US Strategic PSYOP Includes intelligence activities conducted outside the military framework by government agencies, although many use Department of Defense (DOD) resources. Operational PSYOP is conducted in peacetime, within a defined operational area, across a range of military operations to advance the effectiveness of the Joint Force Commander's (JFC) missions and strategies. Tactical PSYOP is conducted in an area assigned to the tactical commander within the military's area of ​​operations to support tactical operations against opposing forces.

Mo Meaning Military

Mo Meaning Military

PSYOP can encourage popular discontent with opposition leadership and, through persuasion with a credible threat, reduce an adversary's ability to conduct or sustain military operations. They can disrupt, confuse and delay an adversary's decision-making process, reducing command and control.

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Properly employed, PSYOP has the potential to fridley or save enemy lives by reducing the enemy's will to fight. By demoralizing an adversary and reducing his effectiveness, PSYOP can discourage aggressive action by creating depression in their ranks, eventually leading to surrender.

Combined use of electronic warfare, computer network operations, psychological operations, military deception, and core operational security capabilities, combined with specific support and related capabilities, to influence, disrupt, corrupt, or usurp resilient human and automated decision-making while protecting it. Our own.[2]

Between 2010 and 2014, PSYOP was renamed Military Information Support Operations (MISO), PSYOP was briefly renamed in August 2014, then returned to MISO shortly after in 2015.

PSYOP involves the careful creation and dissemination of a product message. Three types of products are used to create these messages. They include white products used in overt operations and gray or black products used in covert PSYOP. White, gray and black do not refer to product continuity. but the methods used to perform the operation.

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For PSYOP to be successful, it must be grounded in reality. All messages must be consistent and not contradict each other. Any gap between product and reality will quickly be noticed. A reliable "truth" that is compatible with all listeners must be established. Primarily, it is an element of offensive counterintelligence, but it can also be used defensively.

PSYOP is used in support of special operations, unconventional warfare, and COIN operations. PSYOP can include military operations other than war and joint operations. It includes anti-terrorist operations, peacekeeping operations, non-combatant evacuation, force clearance and maritime blockades, strikes and raids etc.

US Army PSYOP Soldiers with Detachmt 1080, 318th Psychological Operations Company deliver newspaper products July 11, 2007 in the East Rashid region of Baghdad, Iraq.

Mo Meaning Military

PSYOP is credited as a White PSYOP source. White is the United States. Known as the official statement or action of the Government, or to reflect the official view of the U.S. comes from a source closely linked to the authorities. The information must be true and factual. In this, the U.S. All production from official sources is also included.

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Officials for measuring white foreign affairs activity include: the State Department, the USIA, the Foreign Operations Administration (predecessor to the AGC for International Development), the Department of Defense, and other US Government departments and agencies as appropriate.[6] Gray PSYOP [edit]

The source of the gray PSYOP product is deliberately obscure. According to a State Department historian from 2007:

The actual source (US Governmt) is not revealed to the target audience. Suspicious measured activity appears to originate from an unofficial US source, or an indigenous, non-hostile source, or may have no adjective. ... Gray information is information that if the U.S. The influence will increase if the government's and in some cases American involvement is not revealed. It is a tool for the United States to maintain a view of US foreign policy interests, but may be as acceptable or more acceptable for implicit target revisions than official government statements.[6] Black PSYOP [edit]

The action involved appears to emanate from a source (government, party, group, organization, individual) usually hostile in nature. US. The government's interests are hidden and the U.S. The government will take responsibility. It is best used to support strategic plans.

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Covert PSYOP is not a function of the US military, but is instead used in special operations due to their political sensitivity and the need for a high degree of compartmentalization. Furthermore, black PSYOP, to be credible, may require disclosure of sensitive material, with losses from information disclosure considered to outweigh the impact of successful deception.

To achieve maximum effectiveness and prevent overt PSYOP compromise, overt and covert operations must be kept separate. Employees who are engaged in one shall not be counted in the other.

PSYOP conveys messages through visual, audio and audiovisual media. Military psychological operations, at the tactical level, are usually delivered through loudspeakers and face-to-face communications. For more targeted campaigns, they can use leaflets, radio or TV. Strategic operations may use social media, radio or television broadcasts, various publications, distributed leaflets or material placed in foreign news media as part of a covert operation.

Mo Meaning Military

Before these steps take place, intelligence analysts must profile potential targets to determine which would be most advantageous to target. To determine this, analysts need to determine the vulnerabilities of these groups and what they may be susceptible to. Analyst Kurt also determines the target's attitude to the situation, their grievances, ethnic origin, frustration, language, problems, feelings, attitudes, motivations and perceptions etc. Once a suitable target is determined, PSYOP can be prepared.

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Psychological operations must be carefully planned, including modern news media to spread a tactical message around the world and be considered US policy. The US military is responsible for military psychological warfare doctrine.

See the section on World War I for an example of how strategic leaflets, not properly coordinated, could cause damage at the national level.

The message delivered can be tailored to the strategic situation, but the promises made must be in accordance with national policy.

US. PSYOP forces are prohibited from attempting to change the minds of "US persons" (citizens, residents, or legal entities) anywhere in the world.

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However, commanders may use PSYOP forces to provide public information to US forces during a disaster or crisis. Information support to non-combatant evacuation operations (NEO) by PSYOP forces to provide evacuation information to US and third-country nationals will also comply with the mandate.

After Hurricane Andrew in 1992, the U.S. The use of PSYOP troops in relief operations was initiated to deliver public information needed by the Audis. Tactical Psychological Operation Teams (TPTs) were deployed to broadcast information through loudspeakers at the locations of emergency shelters and facilities.

Defense support of such civil authority (DSCA) operations, military public affairs, military civil authority information support (CAIS) activities, public information operations, and news media access to DSCA areas of operations are subject to approval by the federal department or agency. The National Response Framework assigns primary responsibility for managing and coordinating specific emergency response operations. Beginning in October 2018, PSYOP forces may be assigned locally for such CAIS activities during emergencies as directed by the Department of Homeland Security. In such cases,

Mo Meaning Military

PSYOP forces are limited by policy and SecDef guidance to only the transmission and dissemination of public information. Authorized for employment in this manner, PSYOP forces use their media development, production, and dissemination capabilities to distribute public or other critical information during domestic emergencies. Their mission is strictly to inform...[10]

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Maj. Geral Anthony Zinney, director of operations for Unified Task Force Somalia, cited the use of PSYOP in humanitarian relief operations as an example.

Psychological operations were a key battlefield operational system in support of Unified Task Force (UNITAF) Somalia operations. To increase PSYOP effectiveness, we established a joint PSYOP task force under the supervision of the director of operations, integrated PSYOP into all plans and operations, and limited PSYOP focus to the operational and tactical levels. Psychological operations alone do not accomplish missions. They work best when integrated and integrated into an overall theatrical campaign plan. In Operation Restore Hope, we succeeded in doing just that.[7]

An emerging field of strategic psychological operations is the "narrative war". Narrative warfare is a full-fledged battle in the cognitive dimension of information, just like conventional warfare.

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